If this cartoon expresses your frustration with Diets and Weight Loss Programs, you aren't alone...
Sheesh! there are sooo many to choose from!
But is there one that will really work?
Atkins? The Zone? Southbeach? Dr. Phil's Shape Up? Low Carb? High Protein? Low Fat? There are too many other plans to even count, some good, some not so good.
The answer to the puzzle depends on you. As a unique individual you require a program designed specifically to work with your metabolism.
Do you want to lose 10 pounds ... 100 pounds?... more?
Whatever your goals may be, we can help you choose among the best programs available.
My name is
Cindy Brotherston
, I'm a certified Fitness Trainer, YMCA certified Fitness Instructor and nutritional consultant and I've reviewed and rated dozens of internet weight loss and fitness programs.
I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and I've weeded out everything but the very best!
On this page you will find a comprehensive listing of online diets and weight loss programs created by experts who understand that weight loss, permanent and healthy weight loss, can only be achieved by making some changes in lifestyle. Don't worry, the changes are not that painful!
Willpower alone will never do it.
Fad diets will never do it.
You need solid support, ongoing encouragement as well as sound nutritional and fitness advice, all built into a convenient, incremental system.
The only missing ingredient is your decision to take action.
So it's really up to you. Get in and get looking. The sooner you begin, the sooner you'll get into the shape and the body of your dreams.
So, go ahead!
Just imagine how much more fun your life will be when the slimmer you comes out from hiding!
I wish you all the best with lots and LOTS of Success in your quest!:-) - Cindy
Top Rated Weight Loss Programs
best online weight loss programs
. Bistro MD Gourmet Diet Delivered To Your Door
"BistroMD is a gourmet diet meal delivery company that offers portion controlled, balanced, chef-prepared meals that, according to many sources, actually taste good. No mixing of powders or yukky reconstituted food substitutes. Just the convenience of planned, calorie controlled, prepared gourmet meals and snacks. BistroMd is becoming very popular among busy people." Read our review here... |
Beachbody.com "Beachbody has been around a long time. It is not a membership site but provides hard copy, DVD, in-home exercise and weight loss programs. They have a variety of fitness programs designed to meet just about any goal from beginner level to the extreme P90X and Insanity workouts and nutrition programs. These are professionally produced, quality programs that we have tried and still use." Read our review here... |
Fast Track To Fat Loss "Kim Lyons (former trainer from The Biggest Loser and best-selling author) has teamed up with Chad Tackett (very first "online personal trainer" - founded Global Health Fitness in 1996) to create www.FastTracktoFatLoss.com - a personalized and motivational fat loss program where you have your own personal trainer to hold you accountable and easy to follow nutritional guide. I joined the silver program to see what it is all about." Read our review here... |
Enjoying Weight Loss  The Hypnosis Network Program "Enjoying Weight Loss" is a bestseller. The 4 CD audio program can be used in conjunction with any diet or weight loss program to greatly increase adherence. Clinical hypnosis is not the hoaky stage-show that you may think but may be the safest, most researched, and effective way for you to stick to the eating plan you have chosen. They are currently running a special offer with a reduced price for "Enjoying Weight Loss" and bonuses including an audio CD 'Mental Toughness' session that will further help you to stick to your goals." Read our review here... |
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle "One program we really like is the one that Tom Venuto has put together. In Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, Tom explains precisely what to eat and how to exercise for permanent weight loss. Tom has released this weight loss program as an e-book that you simply download and read today (rather than wait for the hard copy to be sent to your home)." Read our review here |
Fat Loss Revealed by Will Brink
"I was surprised and impressed with the expansion of the Ebook written by recognized expert Will Brink into a full-blown, full-featured fat-loss program including the book and a membership site with everything you could ask for in diet information and support. At only $39, this is a very good value." Read our review here |
NutriSystem "Nutrisystem is an online, weight loss system wherein you order pre-packaged meals from their website that are delivered to your door. Looks to be for busy people who don't like to shop and need assistance with meal planning and portion control. They have several programs to chose from depending on your profile." Read our review here |
Medifast Official Site
"Medifast is a medically designed meal replacement, weight loss system that used to be available only through a doctor. Things have changed and now it is available to anyone without a doctors orders. Read my comments in the review." Read our review here |
Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover  "I just picked up the book "Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover, An accelerated program of exercise for maximum results in minimum time." and I found that it mirrors my own views of what a weight loss program should be. With the many real-life examples of clients who successfully changed their lives as told in their own words, this book is also a good read. There is a pretty good reason why Oprah chose him as her personal trainer." Read our review here... |
Dr. Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution
"Dr. Phil's weight loss diet with the "7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom" became a bestseller a couple of years ago mostly because of his own promotion on the Dr. Phil Show. What does a psycologist know about weight loss? I just finished the book and you will find the answers in my review..." Read our review here |