Try a Different Back Exercise Everyday For Weeks
As with all exercises using free weights, these back exercises with dumbells will also utilize and strengthen many helper muscles. Legs, torso, arms and shoulders will all be involved and will benefit.
Hand placement with dumbells is not so much a factor as it it with barbells simply because you can't change the placement from the middle of the dumbell. The amount of weight used however will greatly affect your ability to do any back exercise with weights. Be realistic...You want to be able to do 8 to 10 reps for 3 full sets. Your last reps of the last set should be pretty tough to do but not impossible. So start light and work your way up gradually.
Remember that it is extremely important to limber and warm up prior to any strenuous activity. Nearly any form of mid-section exercises such as barbell good mornings, sit-ups, leg raises, standing toe touches, etc. are good choices for your warm up.
Barbell Push Press
Using a hand grip on a barbell of about 26 inches apart, either clean the bar to the top of your upper chest or take the bar off a rack and place it on your upper chest. Inhale and squat down down about twelve inches, keeping your back straight, elbows slightly forward and head up.
With the power from your legs and back, push the barbell overhead to arms length by straightening your legs out quickly to generate more lifting power to raise the barbell. Hold the weight at arms length for a short period and then lower it back to the top of your upper chest and exhale.
Lower the bar again to your upper chest and you have completed one rep. Perform the required number of reps and return the bar to the floor or rack to complete the set of this back exercise
Dumbell Push Press
Clean two dumbells to the height of your shoulders and hold them there with your palms facing each other. Inhale and squat down about twelve inches, keeping your back straight, elbows slightly forward and head up.
With the power from your legs and back, push the dumbells overhead to arms length by straightening your legs out quickly to generate more pushing power to raise the dumbells. Hold the weights at arms length for a short period and then lowert them back to the height of your shoulders and exhale.
Lower the dumbells again to your shoulders and you have completed one rep. Perform the required number of reps and return the dumbells to the floor to complete the set of this back exercise.
Barbell Squat Snatch
Place a barbell in front of you. With your feet about sixteen inches apart, step up to the bar until your shins are nearly touching the bar. Bend down and get a palms down grip on the bar with your hands placed about 26 inches apart. Bend your legs until your upper thighs are nearly parallel with the floor. Keep your arms straight and your head up. Your back will be at about 45 degrees to your thighs.
Inhale and pull the bar straight up as you commence to stand erect. Continue the pull until the barbell is directly overhead at arms length with your elbows locked by bending your legs and squatting down, with your knees wide and feet flat. At the bottom position of the exercise you will find yourself in a squat position with the barbell directly overhead and your head pointing down to help balance the bar.
Keeping the bar at arms length, stand erect to complete the squat snatch back exercise. Lower the barbell to your upper chest and on down to the floor to complete the repetition.
Obviously this back exercise will also benefit your arms, legs and glutes as well as your back.
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