The Reverse Crunch and The Straight Leg-Raise are Both Effective Abs Exercises

Leg raises are a great abs exercises but can be hard on the lower back if not done properly.

I will start off with the reverse crunch as it is a beginners abdominal exercise and is easier than straight leg raises.

Reverse Crunch

Lay on the mat with your hands folded behind your head, your legs together and bent so that your feet are flat on the floor.

Bent leg-raise abs exercises.bent leg-raises abs exercises 2

Starting position for this abs exercise. This is the bent leg-raise with hands folded behind the head.Raise your legs slowly using only your abdominal muscles.

Bent leg-raise abs exercises.bent leg-raises abs exercises 2

Pull all the way up until your abs are fully contracted.Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.

Straight Leg-Raise

In the case of the straight leg-raise, lay flat on the floor with your hands face down underneath your buttocks and your fingertips facing each other.

Straight leg-raise abs exercises.Straight leg-raise abs exercises 2

Starting position for this abs exercise. This is the straight leg-raise with hands folded behind the head.Raise your legs slowly using only your abdominal muscles.

Straight leg-raise abs exercises 3.Straight leg-raises abs exercises 4

Pull all the way up until your abs are fully contracted.Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.

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