Abdominal Muscle Exercise - Variations of the Crunch
The Crunch is a very good abdominal muscle exercise. It is easier to do than the traditional sit-up but is just as effective for strengthening the abs. The illustrated abdominal exercises below will show just some of the wide variety of ab exercises. Remember that the other half of the abdominals equation is nutrition. Spending alot of time and effort building great abdominal muscles will be a waste if you can't see them for a layer of fat. Ab exercises, diet and aerobic exercise are all keys to getting that flat tummy.
The Crunch
Lay down flat on your back on a mat or a carpet. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Cross your hands over your chest. To get the most out of this exercise you should focus on the motion of bringing your chest to your pelvis as if to fold your torso in two and to "crunch" your abdominal muscles in between. Exhale as you move your head toward your knees. Remember this is not a sit-up and your lower back will remain on the mat. Make sure you contract (crunch) your abdominal muscles as hard as possible and hold the crunch for a count of 3. Return to the start and without hesitation, begin the next repetition of this abdominal exercise. When you first start this exercise, try 3 sets of 10 repetitions.  |  | Starting position for this abdominal exercise. This is the basic crunch with hands folded on the chest. | Finish position for the basic crunch abdominal exercise. |
This is the same abdominal muscle exercise with the hands held behind your head.  |  | Starting position for this abdominal muscle exercise. This the basic crunch with hands crossed behind your head. | Finish position for the basic crunch abdominal exercise. |
Here is another variation of this abdominal muscle exercise. Raise your bent legs into the air and cross your ankles for this one.  |  | Starting position for this abdominal muscle exercise. Try the basic crunch with hands folded behind your head and bent legs raised and crossed. | Finish position for the bent, raised leg crunch abdominal exercise. |
If all you have ever done is the basic crunch with your feet flat on the floor, you will be surprised at how a seemingly minor variation as above can make a difference. That burn in your abdomin the next day will let you know you have done some effective exercise.
Return to the Exercise Index for more variations of this abdominal muscle exercise
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