More Abdominal Exercises With an Exercise Ball
Here are a couple more abdominal exercises with an exercise ball. Sometimes called a fitness ball or swiss ball, the exercise ball comes in various sizes according to the height of the user. I have 3 sizes and I use different sizes for different exercises. You will see 2 different sizes in use in the following abdominal exercises with an exercise ball, though you can do the exercises with just one size ball. No need to buy another. To choose the right size ball for you, sit upright on it with your feet flat on the floor...your knees should be bent at 90 degrees. It's that simple. To get on the ball in this case, I first stand behind it, then lay down on it on my belly with my hands on the floor on the other side of the ball. I then walk forward with my hands rolling the exercise ball down my legs until I am supported by my shins only and my feet are still on the far side of the ball and I am in pushup position with my arms down at 90 degrees to my body. If the ball is the right size, my body will be parallel to the floor.
Jackknife Crunch on the Exercise Ball
Once you have gotten onto the ball and are parallel to the floor with your arms straight down in push-up position, using your abs, draw your feet and knees forward slowly into a full tuck position. Hold for a second and then reverse the movement by straightening your body back to the starting position. Maintain your hand and arm positioning throughout the motion. You have now completed one repetition of the Jackknife crunch abdominal exercise with an exercise ball.  |  | Starting position for the jackknife crunch abdominal exercise with an exercise ball. | Midway position for the jackknife crunch abdominal exercise with an exercise ball. |
 |  | Abdominal muscles are now fully contracted. | Reverse the movement to straighten your body back to the starting position. |
Basic Crunch with the Exercise Ball
To begin this variation of the crunch, lay down on your back and lift your legs straight in the air. Roll the ball under your butt and lower your feet to rest on top of the ball. Your thighs should be at 90 degrees to the floor and your lower legs should be at about 90 degrees to your thighs. Fold your hands behind your head or cross your hands on your chest. Inhale and using your abdominal muscles only, pull your chest toward your knees. Do not attempt to do a sit up, your lower back should remain on the floor. Hold for 2 seconds and then reverse the motion back to the starting position. Don't lay your head on the floor and don't rest before starting the next repetition of this abdominal exercise with an exercise ball. Abdominal exercises with an exercise ball add a new dimension to your workout that you may find surprisingly effective.  |  |  | Starting position for the basic crunch abdominal exercise with an exercise ball. | Midway position for the basic crunch with abdominal muscles fully contracted. | Finish postion is the same as the starting position for the basic crunch. |
See the Main Exercise Index for More Abdominal Exercises With An Exercise Ball
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