Intermediate Abdominal Exercise Using Barbells

The use of barbells and dumbells during an abdominal exercise (or any exercise routine for that matter) can give a more complete workout as the constant shifting of the weight utilizes a whole range of auxiliary stabilizer muscles.

These are muscles that may not come into play using cables or a machine or even body-weight exercises but are very necessary to overall strength.

Try any abdominal exercise using dumbells from this page as an alternative or in addition to what you may already be doing. Variety is good and various weight dumbells can add a new dimension to your workout.

See the Exercise Index for many more abdominal exercises.

Barbell Good Morning

(Lower Back and abdominals)

Stand erect with your feet about sixteen inches apart. Place a light barbell on your shoulders. Grasp the bar with both hands in a comfortable position.

Keep your back straight and your head up during this abdominal exercise as you inhale and bend forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor.

Return to starting position and exhale.

Be sure your knees are in a locked position during the entire exercise.

Twisting Barbell Good Morning

(Rear Obliques and Abdominals)

Stand erect with your feet about sixteen inches apart. Place a light barbell on your shoulders. Grasp the barbell with both hands in a comfortable position.

Twist your torso to the right by twisting at the waist while keeping your hips and legs in a straight line.

Keep your back straight and your head up as you inhale and bend forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor.

Return to starting position and exhale.

Perform the prescribed number of repetitions of this abdominal exercise on the right side and then change to the same position on the left side and repeat.

Be sure your knees are in a locked position during the entire exercise.

Compound Barbell Good Morning

(Lower back, obliques and abdominals)

Stand erect with your feet about 16 inches apart. Place a light barbell on your shoulders. Grasp the barbell in a comfortable position.

Twist your torso to the right by twisting at the waist while keeping your hips and legs in a straight line.

Keep your back straight and your head up as you inhale during this abdominal exercise and bend forward at your waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor

Return to starting position and exhale.

Now twist your torso to normal and perform a regular good morning exercise.

After you have returned to the top position, twist your torso to the left and repeat the motion.

You then twist your torso to a straight position and do a regular good morning abdominal exerise again and then back to the right, etc.

Barbell Side Bends


Stand erect with your feet about 16 inches apart. Place a light barbell on the back of your shoulders. Grasp the barbell with both hands in a comfortable position.

Inhale and bend to the right as far as possible and then bend to the left as far as possible and then return to the starting position and exhale.

Be sure you bend at the waist only during this abdominal exercise and not at the hips or knees. Also be sure to keep the barbell firmly on the shoulders.

Seated Barbell Sidebend


Sit on the end of a bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Place a light barbell on the back of your shoulders.Grasp the barbell with both hands in a comfortable position.

With your back straight and your head up, inhale and bend to the right as far as possible and then bend to the left as far as possible and exhale.

Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlift

(Rear Obliques)

Place a barbell in the floor in front of you. With your feet about 16 inches apart bend at the waist and grasp the bar just to the outside of your lower legs.

Keep your knees locked out and do not bend your knees while you have your back straight and your head up.

Inhale and using the back muscles, stand erect with your arms locked out. Lower the weight to the floor and exhale.

Go to Exercise Index for more Abdominal Exercise

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