Great Leg Workout For The Beginner

If you have a lot of body fat to lose, a leg workout such as lunges, squats, etc., may be too uncomfortable at this point. Here are some simple exercises that you can perform in your home without equipment or fear of injury.

The muscles of the legs are among the largest in the body so it makes sense that exercising them will cause a large calorie burn and help greatly in fat reduction over your whole body.

Add this leg workout routine to your total body workouts and cardio sessions as your fitness level increases. Then you'll be on your way burning fat and getting leaner, stronger legs.

The Beginner Leg Workout
Perform this leg workout only once or twice a week on alternate days. Focus on your form and don't rush these leg exercises. Your goal is to isolate the leg muscles and create a slight burn, which you’ll enjoy because you’ll know you have worked these muscles well.

1. Ankle Weight Leg Lift

Starting Position:

  • Place an ankle weight on your left ankle.
  • Sit on a mat and lean back so your upper body is resting on your forearms.
  • Bend the right leg so the knee forms a 45-degree angle with your left leg out, which is straight in front of you and slightly bent at the knee.
  • Keep your head and neck relaxed.


  • Contracting your quadriceps muscles, raise the left leg until it is parallel with the upper right leg.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • After completing the set on the left side, repeat on the right side.

Key Points:
  • Exhale while lifting the weight.
  • Inhale while returning to the starting position.
  • If you have one leg that is more dominant than the other, start with the less dominant leg first.

Perform two sets of 20 slow and controlled repetitions on each side. Wait 30 seconds after the second set and then begin the next exercise.

2. Kneeling Side Leg Kicks

Starting Position

  • Kneel on the right knee and place the right palm on the floor with fingers spread for stability.
  • Keep the torso and hips aligned.
  • Lift the left leg until the torso and upper leg are in a straight line and parallel with the floor.
  • Bend the left knee and place the left hand behind the head.
  • Keep the chest lifted and the spine, including the head, in neutral alignment.

  • Contracting the outer thigh, extend the lower left leg straight out, keeping the foot in line with the leg and the toe pointed.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • After completing the set on the left side, repeat for the right side.

Key Points:
  • Exhale while extending the leg out.
  • Inhale while returning to the starting position.
  • Don’t let your body sag. If you cannot perform the repetitions, practice holding the posture for several seconds and build up your strength.

Perform two sets of 20 slow and controlled repetitions on each side. Remember to fully contract the thigh -- don’t just snap out the leg. After the second set, immediately go to the next exercise.

3. Lying Double Leg Curl

Starting Position:

  • Lie on your stomach with both hands under your head for comfort.
  • Ankle weights may be worn to increase intensity.

  • Contracting the hamstring muscles (back of the upper leg), curl both legs toward your butt, stopping when your knees are at a 90-degree angle.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

Key Points:
  • Exhale while you curl your legs up.
  • Inhale while returning to the starting position.

Perform two sets of 15 slow and controlled repetitions.

After you’ve mastered this leg workout, begin to add the more difficult exercises such as the stationary lunge and chair squats.

The process of losing fat and getting lean legs takes time. It’s important that you begin with exercises that are comfortable for you. However, after a certain time period (usually a month or so), you can move up to the next level of difficulty. I'll have more leg workouts for you in future articles.

Progress can be the best motivator.

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